places, spiritual gathering spaces, places that host people in order to study,
in the application of the gospel of Christ are good; after all they work spiritually
for the glory of God and the salvation of the man. Since now in these areas
were people do not judge, these places are holy. If now in these places (let’s
call them spiritual schools) their members or the appointed one or the members
in charge judge the others except themselves. Then the word of God among them is
incomplete of love. As much as they judge they have 1) ignorance of the word of
God which is O man whoever you are who
judge for in whatever you judge another you condemn yourself. 2) Egoism. 3)
Benefits. 4) Personal ambitions. Let be aware of what we listen and on what we
are admonished. Once a while we have to visit these Christian brothers. If some
day will accept the admonition not to judge as well as to respect the opinion
the religious conscience and the freedom of others then that will be fine.
Let’s be aware if in these places there is phanaticism it is better to live
them alone. I prefer to glorify God alone than among thousands of insisting
incorrigible egoists and judges. I used the words egoist and judge because in
the book of apocalypse is written: And the great dragon was thrown down the
serpent of the old who is called the devil and Satan who deceives the whole
world. Now is the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the
authority of His Christ have come for the accuser of our brethren has been
thrown down who accuse them before our God day and night. For whom who
insists not to cast out of his life the dragon (judgment) let knows sooner or
later the beast will get him to burn. Amen.
God has a plan! God has a way! God has
love! God has unlimited power. God has all; material and spiritual goods for
all people which believe in Him love Him and follow Him under any conditions.
Today the voice of God has a mission to
create the nation of God and to fulfill the spiritual missing elements of the
spiritual world, so our life can be eternal. AMEN.
The outlook thought of an individual
creates ideology towards a goal after it becomes believable and revealed from
the individual to others. No matter if it comes from inward glory or personal
benefit, once the idea becomes word and then a way of life. Through genealogy
the idea becomes way of life since when an individual transmit to other
individuals. Afterwards the idea becomes a custom then religion and a threat. Finally it becomes a conscience, habit,
second nature of our lives and last it becomes law which works for us without
our desire. That it how corruption and death come since our logic is that
logic. Paul the apostle explains in Romans 7:23...... Our devotion to work the
word the will of God can cleanse the idea, the sin and the unclean which we
inherit and therefore we become through Jesus Christ a source of life with
spiritual Christ based habits which can give us life and freedom and make us
children of God. Let it be done. AMEN.
The word of God has energy because it
creates the incorporeal fire which raises the uncreated inextinguishable
spiritual light. That is from where the word takes material substance since all
is a fire and when enters within us creates a personal fire God. The fact that
even a person has a temperature of 36, 6 C, demonstrates that all is a fire.
Let be done. AMEN.
The difference between God and us is that
God implements His words and He renews everything. If we can accomplish this in
our lives then we will understand that we enter Godliness. Until then, let us
not act as if we know everything. Until then, let us be friends and brothers
and not smart and leaders. AMEN.
Many call themselves and are introduced as
people of God. Indeed, they think that God’s will is to set them voluntarily in
diverse temptations deprivation etc. So they create various problems mostly
healthy issues in their lives. If this is the will of God then “ Love yourself
as others” shall become inhumane and horrible since these people kill their own
selves with this teachings which they adopted as God’s will. If they where to
search, they would find out this has come from man rules and theories. Jesus
Christ Himself revealed to us say to the Father “Do not lead us to temptation”
Mathew 6:13 Luke 11:4. Where it is
written to set yourself up for temptation or trial voluntarily? Whoever
destroys himself will destroy others also. Jesus Christ was healthy in body and
spirit. This is what we seek to develop. The way to healthy teaching is to
follow the voice of God. Everything else has been tested and led nowhere,
except in sin, in sickness and in death. Let it not be done. Since all that which
exist today lead us to dead ends, it will be good if we set our lives in the
will of God which is found in the Word of God the New Testament and the
knowledge of the voice of God. Amen.
When we follow Jesus Christ ideals we will
create a strong personality with Christian principles and aspirations. This
will result to an increase of friends and enemies in our lives. Our enemies and
our friends are always beside us. Yet we do not recognise them we simply think
we do. When we take Jesus stand in our society we will gain identity and then
we will know who are our friends and enemies. Amen.
As much as our ego is increased, our
spiritual strength and physical wellness will reduce and will be lost. Our
spiritual strength and our physical wellness will increase when we grow in wisdom
of Christ and the absolute us. Our spiritual maturity will get to Godliness
when we will enter in our sanctuary and begin uninterrupted prayer, studying
the wisdom of God, New Testament and the healthy teaching of the voice of God.
When we think and practice just as God we become God. The one and only book New
Testament creates us to become Gods. Lots of books we read creates in us
comments and makes us ego followers. Amen.
Our world is full of men’s commandments of
stereotypes of religions. We as voice of God will work on the will of God which
is written in the Holy Bible liberating ourselves from the stereotypes of the
world. It is true Jesus Christ’s doctrine is far from people’s religions
because they believe that the kingdom of God comes after death we believe the
kingdom of God is in us and it is revealed with authorities fruits gifts and
the culmination of all the transfiguration of our physical carnal body to
incorruptible. Amen.
brothers, let’s have the wisdom of God which may alter the abundance of
knowledge that people need today and focus in few words. Love to God and to
brother. Love is a sublime power which unites the universe; it is the power
against the corruption and death.
I live to study the wisdom of God and the
people. I live to develop my spirituality. I live to practice the will of God.
I live to abolish the decay and the death from myself and around me. I live for
the kingdom of God as it is in heaven and on the earth. I live to research all
the mysteries of the creation and the greatest mystery as God. I am not living
to get old observing the world.
Agitation, it is a form of egotism.
Our lives are so short that finds time for
so many mistakes.
Those who blow the Christ within them become
merchants of souls.
Under any circumstances: Rejoice always,
pray without ceasing, in every give thanks, and for this is God’s will in
Christ Jesus.
The frequency of the word of God is found on
the waves of modesty.
Do not look at incorruptibility that is
already happening; you look at the beauty that is contained. The nature of man
is not mortal.
Those who have in abundance give to those
who lack.
The righteousness of God gives freely the
righteousness of man demands.
Christ came to the earth with the vehicle of
Christ does not deny nations but transforms
them into societies of saints.
The antichrist = global catastrophe. The
reason that he will come, it seems because the domestic disasters did not
profit the man to correct and to comply him.
The antichrist comes it means the dogmas and
religions does not serve God but economic interest and personal ambitions.
Despair is the biggest system of
Selfishness and arrogance is the
intellectual sneaky cancer.
But when He, the spirit of truth will come
he will guide you in to all the initiative.
The voice of God does not serve dogmas but
Father Son and Holy Spirit.
Humbleness it is the throne of God without
it no one’s virtue is recognized.
My brothers, God through the Helper (the
morning star) will shake up the world with the wisdom and the love of the
elects which will present God through the Holy Spirit as it is.
God is not a punisher. The mistake we make
bring us to the impasse but not God.
The one who thinks freely he thinks
correctly and opens the gate of life.
The abomination of the desolation that will
sit in the place of the saint is the sin which was at its peak will enter to
the brain of the human. In view of the fact the brain is the place of the saint
because it’s created by God and God to dwells in it (the thought of goodness).
Attention, I wonder if slowly we become abomination. The continuation and the dedications in the
things of God exclude abomination in us.
My salvation passes by my interest for the
others. Our interest is to love others. Let’s say we have two cheques on the
first cheque is written the amount of one dollar on the second cheque is
written the amount of one million dollars, which of the two cheques will be preferred? Naturally, take the second one.
The cheque of one dollar is the selfishness. The cheque of one million dollars
is brotherly love.
To think and act like god it does make you
Nothing concerns God so much as to have
unity among us.
Those who took out God from inside them,
they became merchants of souls (administrators, managers of the vineyard) the
god of all them splits them.
Salvation of soul, a posthumous invisible
product sparks the buying frenzy because it has a guaranteed return, offers secure
income, supply steady gains insuring many assets in real estate and other valuable
items as well as cash. All these (goods) are entangled in a very small phrase
<<salvation of your soul in heaven>> but spiritual perplexity is
Repentance is to free myself from the fears
and guilt.
The people who thrive today are the ones who
can turn ideas and emotions into products of incorruptibility.
Books of the New Testament create us God.
The many books are creating in us comments, the ego, and the mob.
Where there will be even one man of God in
the world, if it is truly of God, will be acceptable by all people on the
earth. Any other title, if you get, would not have so much acceptance as the
man of God. Let us become God’s people to play significant role to the rebirth
of mankind to the abolition of sin which will create in our body the
indestructible immortal life.
The dedication to study the bible leads us
to be aware so understood the great mission as God’s creation the intellectual
logic and the spirit of life to evolve to reborn and become according to His image
and to His likeness.
The application of God’s word in our lives
makes us wiser, smarter, good-intentioned, righteous with noble emulation with
wisdom of God which when they appears in everyday life brings ineffable joy
that reigns in us and around us.
Hearing is dangerous when in the words deeds are not added.
2) Caregiver who teaches his neighbor has
achieved double profit first receives from god great bounty second resets the
memory of what it preaches.
3) Fight to death for the truth and the Lord
will fight for you. A single man animated by the flame of the Holy Zeal is
enough to correct an entire nation.
4) Create good is your mercy to the poor
fellowman, but nothing is greater as to absolve someone from illusion.
5) Do not despise the few because you cannot
teach many nor be indifferent to little success because you want the great
6) As the body not cleaned in the bath is
full of dirt and impurities so also the soul that does not enjoy spiritual
teaching has upon many stains of sin.
7) Land which is not cultivated change in to
uncultivated and filled bushes, so and the soul that does not enjoy spiritual
teaching is full of thorns and thistles.
8) God requite fees not according to the
feasts achieved but with efforts of those who strive to achieve something.
9) The true Christian does not accuse does
not twit or does nothing whatsoever prohibited but honors with care and
diligence Christ commandments and performs these.
10) Where the Holy Spirit appears Jesus
Christ abides and where Christ abides it is obvious there is the presence of
the Father.
11) If you want to become a theologian and
worthy of divinity comply with the standing orders and track to the holy
12) Every soul who has not accepted
correctional punishment remains incurable. Therefore it is not bad being
subject to some punishment but the worst is after the punishment to remain
13) Let struggling that we are not only
wrestlers but also warriors against demons, because the first sometimes they
beat and sometimes they are beaten while the second always chased the
As the clouds hide the sun so evil thoughts darken the mind and destroy
15) There are some people who do not take
the foreign things but they love their own in exaggeration.
16) Do not follow Jesus only when He goes to
Mount Tabor but to follow him and when he goes to Calvary.
17) The salvation of your soul is your own
affair if you do not care for it who else will care for you.
18) The world is the apparent image of the
It is wise and prudent to anticipate the future things before they happen to
you, because when those happen the foolish people know and cry but do no
21) Whatsoever things man can do so that God
22) To judge others if they are wise we need
to be wiser.
23) Fight to obtain some good which the time
cannot take away from you.
24) Man must do those he can do and ask from
God to do those he is unable to do.
25) Sleep is the brother of death.
26) The sloth is a source of evil.
27) The silence is a sign of wisdom.
28) Unwise is the one who wants to lead non
reborn people and wise is the one who wants to serve God and man.
Many of our enemies benefit us, because they do not flatter us.
30) To know that everyone limps some more
and some less.
31) The unity supports home and discord and uproots
the foundation.
32) The one who appreciates the value of
others he increases his own value.
33) Whatever we do for the others usually
seemed much to us, while others do to us seems little.
34) The genius people do deliberately small
errors to avoid the big.
35) The punishment of one man becomes the
fear of many.
36) When you have not near you a wise man
from whom you can learn, then learn from the ignorant watching their defects
but not degenerate into this.
37) If you do not want your enemies to learn
about your secret, do not reveal it to your friend.
38) We know the bird from its song and the
man from the words and deeds.
39) Who taught the ruler, he teach and the
people in power of the ruler.
40) If two or ten have their concord then
they are no longer one but each of them becomes tenfold and you will find one
in ten and ten in one.
41) If love is life then hate towards his
neighbor is death.
42) Love is the force to win our brother
because if we win our brother we won God.
43) The <<licentious>> man can
heal them, the <<wicked>>the angels can heal them and the
<<proud>> only God can heal them.
Where a fall has occurred it’s because previously there was pride, the second
is because of the first presage.
45) The one who repel (repulse) the checking
shows that he has hidden inside the passion of haughtiness, but whoever accepts
controls has been released from the shackles of haughtiness.
46) If you don’t love to flatter you would
not be sorry when you are in jest.
47) The life of a Christian is a continuous
and uninterrupted repentance.
48) Obedience means of burying our will and
resurrection of humbleness.
49) The man who alternatively obeys and
disobeys his spiritual father resembles a man who drops in his eyes
alternatively eyewash and lime.
50) From obedience we have humbleness from
humbleness we have distinction from distinction we have the foresight.
51) The furnace tests the gold and the
attitude to prayer reveals the zeal and the love for god.
52) The word consulate the pain and the good
doctrine disappears sorrow. Those who do not hope in resurrection it is right
for them to cry for the dead.
Jesus become preaching and saying repent because the kingdom of heaven has
approached. Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men. They immediately left
the nets and followed Him.
54) Lord cures any disease everything that
becomes passion and shackle us.
55) Those who suffer from various diseases come
close to Him and those suffering from excruciating ailment, demon possessed
epileptic paralytic and all get healed.
Disciples are those who have the follow elements, poor in spirit, mourning
waiting for the kingdom of God, meek, hunger and thirst the righteousness of
God which is not required but always offers have mercy and are pure in heart,
charitable and peace makers with forbearance joy and the biggest of all is love
for every friend or enemy all these for the glory of God and the salvation of
the world.
57) The disciples study preaches and
practice the will of God. You shall love
the Lord your God with all your heart with all your soul and with your entire
mind. You shall love your neighbor as yourself. AMEN.
appeal to you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you
agree with one another so that they may be no division among you and that you
may be perfectly united in mind and thought.
remain united as Christians we have to distinguish two spiritual elements. The
first element for the unity is from the gospel to have unfeigned love,
humbleness, peace, justice, living faith wisdom of God all these can be
increased by rebirth in Christ, of course adding do not judge not to be judged. To become one, this can be achieved
by the essential elements of the word of God like but you do not be called rabbi for one is your teacher the Christ and
you are all brothers. The second way that contributes to unity is the
respect to the manner of the approach of every man to God’s will. Every man can
reach the throne of the Holy God through different spiritual motivation as it
is religions, dogmas, organizations, baptism and worship but this is not the
reason to be separated. The centuries has prove that all these have brought
only bad things like fanaticism egoism as corollary to love and its results to be
trivial, because they all rely life on money and drugs.
knew, comprehended, understood, insured learned that love all housed.
us love and be certain that neither man or doctrine nor religion will be able to
separate us from the love of Christ, which housed everything. If we do not
perceive the love of Christ we cannot have the Spirit of God. In the case we do
not have the Spirit of Christ; we will understand it fast in the moment of
putting terms or labels to our fellow man in order to accompany us. In this
case there is no God, the reason because we observe others life and if they do
not obey us we separate ourselves. The voice of God does not impose terms or
orders. Every man is responsible for himself. If he wants to leave according to
Christ he will take it seriously if not he will leave the life of the world.
The voice of God accepts everyone as he is. The voice of God has no partiality,
gives freely anything that God has provided and has the good intention to study
and complete the spiritual missing that will secure deity. The voice of God
addresses to those who want to become like Christ. AMEN.
11, 12, 13
For I have been
informed concerning you, my brethren, by Chloe’s people, that there are
quarrels among you. Now I mean this, that each one of you is saying, “I am of
Paul,” and “I am of Apollos”and“I of Cephas” and “I of Christ”. Has Christ been
divided? Paul was not crucified for you, was he? Or were you baptized in the
name of Paul?
entire world, for centuries now, takes the action as non reborn and these
actions are condemnation, slanders, personal aspirations, cunnings, rivalry,
wards and many more destructive forms of behavior. These situations have
divided people to nations, religions, dogmas, organizations, associations,
syndicates, brotherhoods and man made a God at his measurements.
all people are divided although God through His Son brought on earth peace,
love, righteousness we know very well the results among the people and
specially among Christians. From the history we learned those wards has made
supposedly in the name of God, till today men say I am of Paul, I am of this
dogma I am of this group I belong here or I belong there focusing in a
particular way of life and salvation neglecting the mercy love and
righteousness of God, which saves the robber and the saint, this is out of
their logic. The misconception filled the spiritual world with uncertainties,
the reason is because everyone transfers and transports the kingdom of heaven
back to heaven as God’s will. The easy solution, while money and medicine
determine the life of all Christians. They cannot understand that all this is
driven by people who stole the wisdom of god and consciously became gods or
representatives of God on earth. We must understand that God donates today the
biggest gift He could. God has donated to the rational being man the word of
God, intermediaries in our spiritual life do not require. The intermediaries
want to impose to our lives, they never become friends, always keep distances,
they act like notable, they want to rule our life with lies insisting to
believe that without them we are unable to live but when, by the spirit of God,
we conceive the will of God and we do not enroll in our lives all those who
bring the split between us then we receive merciless attacks.
voice of God has achieved with the grace of God to eliminate the dispute among
the spiritual brothers there are no people above or lower, does not impose laws
or terms to accept the man, does not intent to classify or grouping the people
imposing specific targets or aspirations. We all know that when the time comes
for everyone God will gather him into His family, filling his life with love
which accepts each one as he is insuring freedom. The voice of God distributes
freely the spiritual property that God has provided without partiality.
the voice of God we all are learners of Christ. God’s people, who by the
centuries has carry on various mission or performed certain deeds, at their own
time, seeking salvation, each one has play a positive role of renaissance.
Definitely we can draw wisdom from all these saints, the wisdom which coincides
with the wisdom of God and develops love between us. Today it will be
unacceptable for us to become a dogma, since we have in our hands the real word
of God, because we conceive that God is love, wisdom, righteousness, peace,
faith, is spirit and appears in our life with fruits gifts signs and traits.
Today we live in another era where God creates in us new targets new pursuits
aiming the establishment of the kingdom of God on earth. Until today all the
previous men of God did not establish the kingdom, but they specifically
conceive the rebirth of man. The kingdom of God will be established by men
under the guidance of the Holy Spirit filling spiritual missing. After all we
will become ideal men with the personality of Christ. God will create His
kingdom to those who will be heavenly called to this destiny. Father God will
inspire the kingdom in the brain to those who can conceive the word spoken by
His Son to become like Him. This is the reason of the existence of Jesus Christ
and His gospel.
centuries have proved all men cannot become people of God for the simple reason
they don’t have the same mission. God gave different things in different times,
because the spiritual level of man is increasing by studying the wisdom through
the good and the bad. Today is easy to abolish the existing stereotypes of the
world by studying the Gospel in the healthy doctrine and to become love.
the study of the Gospel, God will reveal the living voice of the living God in
other words distinguishing men’s commandments and the Holy Spirit. Jesus said: But you do not be called Rabbi for one is
your teacher the Christ and you are all brothers. Paul the apostle put
elders, at that time this had to be done. Today we all have the knowledge we all
study the same things, why we have the intention to become shepherds specials prophets?
With pure love to God and to our fellow men let’s choose to become friends. In
these verses Paul by the Holy Spirit said:
Do not become of Paul do not become of Peter but Christ.
men passed through the centuries and by the Holy Spirit wrote many spiritual
books, but today we have the integral Gospel the Word of God Jesus Christ
Himself. If we are of God we apply this in our lives, for those who do not like
let them, saying they are God’s people either way love of God accepts all but
let’s all become of Christ. It makes great impression to me living in 2012 and
listening people saying I’ m going to my spiritual, I’m going to such
organization, I have the truth, I do this or do the other, while my life has
nothing common with the life of Christ. I think that many Christians consider
cafeterias or other places as a sing because people there are talking their
problems, so they create other places to drink coffees like organizations,
associations, religions, brotherhood and more. Unfortunately today the
organizations, dogmas, association even religions became cafeterias where
discussion and speech does not differ from others; simply in the discussion the
name of God is involved. They did not solve any of the mysteries, mysteries
remain mysteries, repeating and perpetuating the symbolism of the mystery. So
they think that they are God’s people. The one who manages the “cafeteria” he
determines what sort of coffee people will drink today in view of the fact he
considers himself shepherd. All dogmas for two thousand years served one sort
of “coffee” and they say this is it love it or live it.
brothers, if we want to become literally people of God let’s take the Gospel in
our hands, enter to sanctuary and let us study day and night the will of God
until the logic of God becomes our logic and the deeds of Christ our deeds, or
else will not succeed high spiritual goals like eternal life unfeigned love and
living faith.
people knew God’s will earlier than others, God’s concession; they show
themselves as elite creating privet spiritual property taking out from Jesus
Christ life. Continually cause fear and confusion to people imposing the
impression they alone understood and hold the truth. It is clear in the word of
God and to all whom love the truth can study and develop it, simply for who
does not know it is easy to be a victim of exploitation. Fanaticism is a well
know method of exploitation. God is using all of them and at the end will be
revealed who was initiated by God and who by his ego. Let’s be careful, do not
become gods to anyone and don’t let others become gods in our lives directing
us. The healthy relationship between us is in the spiritual research of love
for as much as the abundance of one to the lack of the others, with humbleness
in the spirit of brotherhood. All these will determine the healthy reborn man
of God. AMEN.
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